1) Login before the enrollment
a) Once the registration is complete now you can login, using the registered mobile number and date of birth as password in ddmmyyyy format.
b) Once the mandatory fields and Payment details is entered then you need to confirm the registration.
c) Only confirmed registration will be taken for the enrollment verification.
d) On confirming if the payment is made by Cheque/DD/Bank transfer, then you have to send the payment details to our office.
e) Once the status is under verification you can see your profile details in the dashboard.
2) Login after the enrollment
a) Once this done the enrollment is complete and you can login, using the registered mobile number and date of birth as password in ddmmyyyy format.
b) You can change your password to a desired password by using CHANGE PASSWORD in your dashboard.
3) Links in the Dashboard
a) Dashboard: Always return to the welcome page showing with your name, enrollment, mode of subscription and enrollment verification status.
b) View profile: Here you can view your profile details given during the time of registration. If there are any update in the profile, Please write to us at imanfws2018@gmail.com We will be updating your profile after verification.
c) Make Payment: Here you can make the payment for new invoices created or already pending payments of the consecutive years. You need to make the payments of earlier invoices first if any pending and then only you can make payments of current invoices.
d) Payment History/Receipt: Here you can see all the payments done with receipt in this section. You can view all the transaction history of online transactions done through this portal using CHECK STATUS button.
e) Change Password: Current password can be changed here by providing the current password and new Password and confirm password
If you have any doubts you can get us at 09447988992, 09383488443 or write us to:
IMA National Family Welfare Scheme